Offer Terms
Offer Description
Know someone looking to purchase a new home? If you’re a current Century Communities homeowner or under contract with us, fill out the form below to register your referral on or before their first visit. If they decide to purchase a home, we’ll send you a check when they close escrow—our way of saying thanks!
1. FILL OUT THE REFERRAL FORM, on or before your referral’s first visit.
2. DROP IT BY your nearest sales office or have your referral bring it with them on their first visit.
At the time of contract to purchase a Century Communities home, remind your referral to have an on-site Community Sales Manager sign and date the form.
When your referral closes on their Century Communities home, we’ll send you a check for $500. Please allow 6–8 weeks for delivery
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*To be eligible for the referral fee must accompany friend or family member and register friend or family member on their first visit to the sales center. Only one person will be paid a referral fee per buyer and the fee will not be paid unless the buyer closes on a Century Communities home within three months of referral but no later than December 31, 2024. Person making referral may not participate in the negotiation of the home sale. Namedropper Referral Fee applies to participating Century Communities neighborhoods and cannot be combined with a co-broker commission. Since Seller reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time without notice, please call the applicable sales center in advance to confirm that the program is still in place. Persons in photos do not reflect racial preference and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape, and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. No view is promised. Views may also be altered by subsequent development, construction, and landscaping growth. This is not an offering of property to residents in any jurisdiction that may have restrictions on interstate offerings of real estate, unless the property has been so registered, qualified or exemptions are available. It is the intent of Century to sell its residential homes pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (15 U.S.C. 1701, et seq.). Offered for sale by BMC Realty Advisors, Inc. Real Estate Broker, License #01920450. General Contractor, License #971581. ©05/2024 Century Communities, Inc.